Provider Resources

New Provider Portal News

Check out our new provider portal!

If you are not currently taking advantage of our provider portal, now is the perfect time to give it a try. We recently enhanced our portal to offer additional self-help tools and easier navigation. You can still check patient eligibility and benefits, claim status, and copayments/deductibles. In addition, our new portal allows you to identify all claims associated with a payment. It also provides easy access to a claims remittance advice. These are just a few of the added enhancements.

Accessing our new portal is easy. Current registered providers will need to reset their password by following these steps:

  • Go to
  • Click Forgot password link
  • Enter your User ID and answer your security question
  • Establish two additional security questions/answers

If you do not currently have a provider portal account, please register with us by going to and clicking on Register.

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